Let's rewind exactly 1 year ago, almost to the day, I just paid off my car and I all of a sudden have an extra 370 dollars a month to play with. This is an amazing amount of income to recover when your a recent college graduate living paycheck to paycheck and trying to keep up with the Jones's. So, I must decide... What do I do with all of this extra income? Let's review my options:

Pros: You are $50,000 in debt and wasted a $15,000 inheritance on school, cool gadgets, and a spring break trip to Mexico.
Cons: Your in your mid 20's, recently single, and why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?
Option B) Adobt A Puppy!
Pros: You live in a very "Yuppie" part of town and everyone owns a dog, chicks love puppies, and how could a girl turn down a guy who adopted a puppy from a rescue who was abandoned on the side of the road in South Carolina.
Cons: Psh, what con's can there be? It's a fucking puppy!!
I mean, I guess they cost like 100 bucks a month right?
Pros: It's a god damn boat, look up the prices, you can totally finance a sexy ass bow rider for under 370 a month + make the insurance payment. Chick's love bow riders. They're fun, and you've lived within 4 blocks of the water your entire life. THIS is the right fucking choice.
Cons: The two best day's of your life are the day you buy your boat followed by the day you sell it. I know this, I've been on the water my whole life. But, let's not forget. It's a fucking boat, and living in Baltimore Maryland, having a boat is like having a 18" penis.
So, what choice would you make? A year later, let my sensible advice be, save. $370 a month to start crushing at your student loans and credit card debt will go a very long way in helping you get the down payment to buy a house. Which, allows you build equity, credit, and get the other things you want in life sooner.
What choice did I make? Let's reflect on what moment I am at in my life right now. It's now currently 12:40 in the morning, I started writing this up about 30 minutes ago because that's when my dog finally decided to lay down and go to sleep. Puppies grow up eventually, and girl's don't like them as much when they're not tiny and cute. I love the little guy and he means the world to me (man's best friend), but, make sure your ready to dedicate your life to them. They need lot's of attention, they eat stupid stuff and they cost a lot more than you might think. Wait until you have the house, the boat, and some help around the house because I spent many sleepless nights running a 7lb puppy down the steps as he's squirting out poop. Yes, the potty training years can be gross. Also, you never know what kind of puppy you are going to get. Mine is the crazy, half retarded runt of his litter. Now, he's really not all that bad. He lose's hair like crazy, still has accidents in the house, bites ankles, has really expensive tastes in food, and requires the latest in bandanna fashion. I mean, look at these photo's:

In closing, I wouldn't trade my choice in for the world (or even a boat), I think the juice will be worth the squeeze eventually. We've had great times, go camping, etc. But, wait until the wife and kids for the dog. Get, the boat. (Then take me and my dog out on it)
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